Depending on which generation you belong to, the trend of wearing underwear exposed has been in existence for centuries. Where you can also shop for underwear has also changed to include online. Hence, if you are shopping for underwear, you might want to consider patronizing Tamarco after reading what other people in Finland who have patronized them are saying about their reliability on suomiarvostelut.fi.

Marie Antoinette was one of the first women known to wear underwear as an outwear. Marie was wearing a white muslin chemise-like gown and at this chemise was an item of clothing that many women wore underneath their corsets and outer clothing. Despite the fact that Marie was looking pretty in the filmy dress it appears to the general public that she was posing with underwear.

The intermingling of underwear and outerwear has existed for centuries with each generation calling attention to suggestive new fashion trends.  The once provocative indecent dress is constantly evolving and now deemed a chic new trend.

Although throughout the 16th and 17th century, underwear remained optional due to the fact many cultures didn’t see the need for them and also an average person didn’t have more than a handful of clothing’s, to begin with.

The emergence of underwear as a fashionable trend for women first erupted when Queen Catherine de ‘Medici of Florence introduced the corset to the French court in the 16th century.  The corset’s function aimed to emphasize the curves of the female figure while providing medicinal and utilitarian advantages such as spine alignment and better body posture. Corsets become an essential component of women’s dress. Many designers design different corsets changing the necklines, fabrics and structural material to match the latest trend. Queen Catherine developed different fashion accessories, including fashion hand gloves and perfume.

In the 1900s when Fresh designers Paul Poiret and Gabrielle “Coco” Channel famously abolished the restrictive corset and petticoat which was replaced with draping and looser fitted silhouettes dress for women. The corset becomes absent from fashion until the mid-70’s when a designer called Vivienne Westwood stepped onto the scene embracing the burgeoning punk milieu of London. Vivienne adapted historical garments like 18th-century corsets and crinoline skirts in other to revive vintage fashion trends for a contemporary audience.

In the 1980s Cher and Madonna played an instrumental role in popularizing the trend by performing in lingerie. 

A growing presence of Armour-Esque corsets in the 90’s epitomized power dressing in this era and popularized a style of fetish dressing with the influence of megawatt pop stars like Madonna and the infamous cone bra designed by Gaultier for her Blonde Ambition tour in 1990.

Today, many celebrities such as Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Rihanna usually perform in underwear or lingerie. People no longer criticize wearing underwear in public, however, some culture does.

Some people see wearing underwear as outwear as a lack of indecency and while others see it as the latest fashion trends. However, everyone is free to dress the way they want and embrace what they want.